Good day,
Welcome back from the holidays.
Trust we all had a wonderful time spending the holidays.
We are back and we will be discussing and learning the remaining types of Paradiddle we have which are:
1. Paradiddle-diddle
2. Paradiddle-diddle-diddle
You can check out the first lessen here
Note that these concepts were tweaked out of the famous one RLRR or LRLL
If you have been following and practicing in details you will notice that the doubled notes i.e RR and LL are the diddles. So what do we do in the first case of Example 1.
It’s just RLRRLL or LRLLRR . It all has to do with tweaking it to get a splendid sound.
Example 2:
Now, since we all have an idea of how the Paradiddle works, all we need do now is do some extra things by adding and subtracting which we call SUBSTITUTION.
Substitution of Paradiddle simply means replacing a note with another note played on a different part of the drums e.g replacing the RR (Diddle) in a Paradiddle which is played on snare with either K (kick) or F (floor tom) or Rt (Rack tom).
E.g 1.RLRR
Substituted value= RLKK or RLFF
NOTE: In other for you to get better at it you have to be creative and versatile about your decisions.
Another basic step in tweaking your Paradiddle is the changing of accents.
What is an Accent?
It is a detailed note that has a higher amplification/volume than other notes in a group when played. Accents are often denoted by (>) placed on the note being accented.
So, anywhere we see the > sign the note right there is accented.
Go through this and practice them perfectly as we will be moving to the next phase of rudiments which is applications.
Practice makes perfect……….