Good day, Welcome back from the holidays. Trust we all had a wonderful time spending the holidays. We are back and we will be discussing and learning the remaining types of Paradiddle we have which are: 1. Paradiddle-diddle 2. Paradiddle-diddle-diddle You can check out the first lessen here Note that these […]
The paraddidle is said to have been the most widely populated RUDIMENT of all time. Why? Simply because it has played a major part and been used and can be used to express a whole lot. Thats why in this lesson, we call it the Great paradidlle. You can read the […]
Now that you’ve gotten a comprehensive look at how to form intervals, scales, and foundational chords, let’s take it a step further by expanding our chords. If you are new in this series. Check out the previous lessons.. PIANO CHORDS 1: THE FOUNDATION OF CHORDS OR PIANO CHORDS 2: DIMINISHED AND AUGMENTED CHORDS We will be studying the below 7th chords but in this lesson, we will discuss the first four Major seventh chord Minor seventh chord Diminished seventh chord Augmented major seventh chord Half-Diminished seventh chord […]
In this lesson which is just an introduction, we will be looking the first 5 rudiments that are highly recommended for any drummer. Firstly, we must understand that in any given field of profession the starter or introductory class is always the best place to start which one will never stop […]
When it comes to music, there are many and different analysis and school of thoughts. Scales are believed by many professionals as well as many masters of the craft as the best approach to soloing. I believe and accept the approach as it had worked for even myself to a certain […]
The usefulness of the popular rudiment known as “SIX-STROKE ROLL” cannot but be over-emphasized in the rudiment family. The six-stroke roll is a combination of the R and L basically. We will be infusing more at the next lesson showing how to incorporate the Kick(K). Meanwhile, for a start we are […]
In our previous lesson, we looked at the foundation of chords. In this lesson, we will move a step further, treating the Diminished Chords Diminished Triad Piano Chord Chord Type: Diminished triad Formula: 1+♭3+♭5
You might probably have the playing the Guitar for years but if you lack this basic foundation about chord formation then you have a lot of work to do. What is a THIRD? A Third is an interval of 3 notes. A-B-C A to C is a third. G-A-B G to […]
Hi Guys, In continuation to the previous post about “Getting and Determining your Tone as a Drummer” We only listed the 6 ways and not defined and went into details . In this lesson we will talk more about each point. Now, Technique: this has to do with a HOW something […]
As an upcoming guitarist, I find it so hard to place what chord I am to play next wen singing and playing or when playing to a piece, all I did was to gamble. I play a GMaj where I am to play an FMaj, play an FMaj when I’m supposed […]